Welcome to Year 2!
Meet the team:
2A - Miss Byron
2B - Ms Parker and Mrs Hughes
2C - Mr Whittington
Support staff - Ms Read, Ms Chauhaan and Mrs Snow
Physical Education
Please ensure your child's PE kits is in school everyday. PE days this year are as follows:
2A - Monday and Wednesday
2B - Tuesday and Friday
2C - Monday and Wednesday
Towers, Tunnels and Turrets (CURRENT TOPIC)
This project teaches children about designs and structures of towers, bridges and tunnels and the materials used to build them. We will learn about famous towers, bridges and tunnels around the world before investigating what makes a tower or tunnel strong and sturdy. Our school trip to Tamworth Castle will help us further understand the structure of a castle and what life was like inside a castle.
Contact Details
You can find the school contact details on the link below. Teachers can be contacted via dojo. If you would like to connect via dojo please talk to the class teacher.
At Yew Tree Primary, we use Boom Reader to record your child’s reading journey. By downloading the app, you can record the support that your child receives at home so that staff can see and you can see what reading they are completing with teachers whilst at school.
Boom Reader is free and easy to download and takes minutes to connect to the school and your child’s reading records. If you have more than one child at Yew Tree you can add them through the one app. All your children’s reading records are in one app and you can swap between the children’s records at the touch of button.
If you need the school code or unique pupil code to connect, please dojo your child’s class teacher. Mrs Mclean is also available to support
Home Learning
You can support your child with learning at home by spending time reading with your child and listening to them read. You could always visit the local library to choose some books together!
You can also help your child to learn to read and spell the Year 2 common exception words.
We would encourage you to follow your children's interests and if they want to learn more about our topic or complete any projects at home they can do!
There are also lots of educational websites we subscribe to that children can access - see links below
99 Club
Every Friday in Year 2 the children take part in 99 club. We use this to help the children improve the time tables knowledge and speed. This is something that can also take place at home.
10 Club - 3 minutes - Number Bonds to 10
11 Club - 3 minutes - Number Bonds to 10 and 20
15 Club - 3 minutes - x2
22 Club - 3 minutes - x2, x5 and x10
33 Club - 4 minutes - x2, x5, x10, x3 and x4
44 Club - 5 minutes - x2, x5, x10, x3, x4, x6, x7, x8 and x9
55 Club - 6 minutes - x2, x5, x10, x3, x4, x6, x7, x8, x9 and x11
66 Club - 7 minutes - All times tables
77 Club - 8 minutes - All times tables and division facts
88 Club - 9 minutes - All times tables and division facts
99 Club - 10 minutes - All times tables and division facts
VIP - 11 minutes - Mixed questions including +, -, x, ÷ and square root