
Yew Tree Primary School

‘Learning Without Limits’

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Week 1



Children are expected to read their library book every day for 20 minutes and log it on Boom Reader.

Please log any reading you do with your child on Boom Reader as well.

Children can also access MYON reading, please ensure they complete an AR test once they have finished.



Children should be practising their times tables daily. They can use TTRockstars, Hit the Button or you could have a quick fire times table quiz with them.




We are now coming to the end of our 'Urban Pioneers' topic where we have learnt a lot about Birmingham and Berlin. The children should use this knowledge to create an information poster either about one of the 2 cities or a comparison of the two.

They can present it however they want to. If they do it on the laptop then it should be saved in their homework folder.

