
Yew Tree Primary School

‘Learning Without Limits’

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Yew Tree PTFA


We are proud to have a Parent, Teacher & Friends Association (PTFA) at Yew Tree, which is an organisation of parents and staff.  Its role is to encourage closer links between home and school. The PTFA meets at least once every term. 


The PTFA organise and run many fundraising events throughout the school year, including: a film night, a bingo night, book sales and termly discos.


The money raised from these events has been used to purchase/support:

  • a brand new climbing wall
  • new books for our library
  • storage containers for outdoor play equipment/development of Playpods
  • basketball nets, basketballs and footballs
  • the development of a community hub (The Rainbow Room)


The PTFA support the school Christmas performances by supplying refreshments.  They organise the Christmas Fayre where they run stalls and supply refreshments as well as many other events including a Summer Fayre.


If you would like to get more involved in your child’s school life to improve the school community we would love to hear from you.  We are very grateful for our volunteers and all their hard work.


Please contact Kerry Neville or Rachel Turton via the school office if you are interested in joining the PTFA. Everyone is welcome!



Our next PTFA AGM is on Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 2.30pm. We really hope to see lots of you join us at any committee meetings to help us plan an exciting year for our children and community.




Our PTFA is officially registered with the Charities Commission as 'Friends of Yew Tree Primary'. For information about their charitable status, please CLICK HERE.


Our Charity Trustees are currently:

Kerrey Neville

Rachel Turton

Dawn Oliver



Fundraising Links


Help us raise money for the children at Yew Tree Primary School. All you have to do is click on the links below.

