Ms Babla - 1A
Ms Jones - 1B
Ms Moore - 1C
Ms Sutton
Ms Hemming
Ms Snow
Ms Bownes
Please make sure that your child has their PE kits in school :-)
1A - Monday and Wednesday
1B - Tuesday and Thursday
1C - Monday and Wednesday
Geography / History - Bright Lights, Big City
D&T - Taxi (Companion Project)
Art - Rain & Sunrays (Companion Project)
Our new Topic this term is called Bright Lights, Big City! This project teaches children about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the characteristics and features of the capital city, London.
Taxi - This is a companion project to Bright Lights, Big City
This project teaches children about wheels, axles and chassis and how they work together to make a vehicle move.
Rain & Sunrays - This is a companion project to Bright Lights, Big City
This project teaches children about collagraph printing, including how to develop a motif to make single and repeated prints.
If you have any enquiries please contact the office at
If you need help accessing Dojo please talk to your child's teacher and they can give you your child's code.
You can support your child with learning at home by spending time reading to your child and listening to them read. You can record this via Boom Reader.
Please can you support your child at home by practising to read and write the Year 1 common exception words. This really helps support your child with their reading and writing.
Homework will also be set every week and given out on a Monday via paper copy. The link for each week can be found below.