A Young Carer is someone under the age of 18 who has caring responsibilities for a family member at home.
They may have:
Young Carers may carry out tasks and household jobs like:
If you are a Young Carer, doing some of these tasks might make it hard for you to come to school or affect your ability to focus and concentrate to the best of their ability when you are here.
You may:
As a Young Carer, you might also:
At Yew Tree, we want to ensure all Young Carers are offered support.
We seek to raise awareness of this issue so that any child acting as Young Carers can be identified and supported. Pupils already identified as Young Carers know that they can speak to any member of staff if they feel they need extra support.
Sandwell Young Carers
Sandwell Young Carers provides guidance and support to children and young people (aged 5 - 18) whose health, education and social lives have been affected as a result of caring for a dependant family member. If you feel this service would be useful to you then please get in touch by calling 0121 5258002 or by accessing their website by CLICKING HERE.