WM Now
WM Now is a free email messaging service from West Midlands Police.
Sign up to receive updates straight into your inbox about crimes, police activity and other local news.
When you sign up you can let us know what topics you’d like to hear about – whether that’s vehicle crime, burglaries or anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood. You can also choose to receive updates from some of our partners including the fire service, Action Fraud and your local council.
Remember to share our updates with your friends, family and neighbours to help keep our communities safe and connected.
You can either sign up directly at www.wmnow.co.uk or, alternatively, you can download a sign up form and return this to school (for us to pass on to the local community police officers).
If you need to contact the police, for any other reason, you can use one of the following methods:
Telephone - 999 (emergency) or 101 (non-emergency)
Online - www.police.uk/pu/contact-the-police
If you need to contact our local policing team, you can email them at: