
Yew Tree Primary School

‘Learning Without Limits’

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Behaviour Information

Behaviour Information


At Yew Tree Primary School, our approach to managing behaviour is one that is centred on the importance of positive relationships and nurturing behaviours linked to our core values. Full details of this are available in our policy (available to download on the policies page) but is also summarised in our behaviour blueprint. 


We DO NOT leave the development of positive behaviour to chance. We believe it is important to explicitly teach and model the behaviour we expect of our children. As we know that most behaviours develop as a habit, we provide frequent opportunities for the teaching and practice of behaviour as outlined in 'The Yew Tree Way' behaviour curriculum below.

The Yew Tree Way - Behaviour Curriculum

We believe its is really important that we nurture and promote the behaviours linked to our core values of Responsibility, Respect, Courage, Ambition & Pride. The development of these should not be left to chance so they are embedded across our curriculum.

Promoting positive behaviour goes beyond ensuring compliance and children doing as they are told. Therefore, all of our staff, through their interactions with the children, will be promoting our values and the associated behaviours. However, in maintaining order across the school, we shall also be talking about our three very simple school rules which we expect everybody to follow.

Rewards & Sanctions

The behaviours we expect to see are made clear to the children on a regular basis. These are recognised and rewarded in a variety of ways. However, where children make inappropriate choices or behave in a way that is not acceptable, the approach to resolving that is clearly and consistently followed across the school. Whilst our approach is consistent, the consequence given might vary as there is not a 'one size fits all' model. We train our staff and senior leaders to explore the severity of the behaviour, the child's individual needs and the context in which the behaviour has taken place when deciding on the most appropriate consequence. 


If you are ever concerned about the behaviour of a child, we would encourage you to speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance. If you are not able to resolve your concerns then you can contact one of our Assistant Head Teachers who are responsible for overseeing the infants (Nursery - Y2) and juniors (Y3 - Y6):


  • Infants - Ms Sharon Fry
  • Juniors - Ms Tamsie Mclean


Finally, if you still remain concerned then you may speak to the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher:


  • Head Teacher - Mr Jamie Barry
  • Deputy Head Teacher - Ms Rachel Sherwood


You can contact members of staff via the Dojo messaging service or via the contact details for the school office. 

Behaviour Badges 

In addition to teams competing to gain the most Dojo points each half term in order to be awarded a golden time playtime in the final part of that half term as recognition for winning, we recognise individual behaviour through awarding behaviour badges to pupils. There are a total of 6 badges which a pupil can gain by the end of the year; each half term is an opportunity to gain a badge.


Every half term a ‘pupil target’ will be shared by class teachers with their class. This will be the minimum number of Dojo points a pupil must achieve for that half term in order to be awarded their badge. Every class will have the same Dojo target to ensure consistency across the school. Each half term is a new opportunity to be awarded a behaviour badge; if a pupil misses the Dojo target in one half term, the next half term sees all pupils start afresh.


Badges issued in recognition of meeting your half term Dojo target:

At Yew Tree Primary, we believe the focus should be on the positive. Therefore, we try to separate the behaviour from the child and ensure they understand every day is a fresh start and they are loved no matter what. Relationships matter and this is why our approach goes beyond simply maintaining an orderly and compliant school.


We have developed our approaches based on research from the Education Endowment Foundation [EEF] and also the practice developed by a behaviour specialist called Paul Dix.



At Yew Tree Primary School, we recognise that there are occasions when children can be unkind to each other. We also know, in some cases, children can bully each other (inc. via online platforms outside of school). We work hard to educate the children about the importance of respect and kindness. However, where we are aware of unkind behaviour or alleged bullying, we investigate this thoroughly and take appropriate action. We do not tolerate bullying at our school.


We teach our children to recognise that bullying is different to unkind or inappropriate behaviour. They are supported in understanding this by using the phrase STOP


  • TIMES 
  • ON

Our Anti-Bullying Promise

Peer Mediators


Yew Tree Primary is proud to work with an organisation called Peacemakers to select and train a number of our children to become Peer Mediators. This programme involves rigorous training, over three whole days, so that the children selected are able to fulfil this role confidently and competently.


Information about the Peer Mediator programme is available by clicking the logo below. 

