
Yew Tree Primary School

‘Learning Without Limits’

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Autumn 2 - Moon Zoom

Alien crash landing!

CRASH! What's that in the playground? Let's go outside and take a look. Stand back everyone - it looks like a UFO has crash-landed! Children acted as detectives to find out information about what is in their playground. Children then used their senses to explore samples from the crash site. They used adjectives to describe what they look like and how they feel. 



Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong

Year 1 learnt about two important astronauts - Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong. They went into space just like the alien that crash landed in our playground. Children learnt about Yuri Gagarin's and Neil Armstrong's life, what they did and why they are important. Children then ordered events about the history of space travel in chronological order. 

Rockets and moving moon buggies!

Year 1 had great fun building rockets using a range of recyclable materials and straws and then joining them together using glue and tape! They made their rockets stronger, stiffer and more stable by joining two straws crossed together and by adding triangular pieces to their bases. Children also tested how strong their rockets were by doing a wind test to see if it moves. 


Year 1 enjoyed using wheels and axles to make a moving moon buggy! They explored a range of moving products - toy cars, vans and lorries and discussed what makes a model move and why. They then designed and and created a moving moon buggy to help the alien move across his terrain - the moon!
